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Preposition (విభక్తిప్రత్యయము):

ఒక వాక్యంలోని “నామవాచకము లేదా సర్వనామము”నకు మరియు వాక్యంలోని ఇతర
ముఖ్యమైన పదాలకు సంబంధాన్ని కలిపేపదాలను “Prepositions” అని అంటారు.

సాధారణంగా “Prepositions” కర్తయొక్క స్థితిని తెలియజేస్తాయి.
Pre = ముందు
Position = స్థానము

Definition: The relation word.
In a sentence, prepositions connect the noun or pronoun to other important elements to show relationships of direction, time, place, or spatial relationships.


Prepositions are words or groups of words placed before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, or spatial relationships. They help describe the position, direction, or time of something.

Types of Prepositions:

1. Simple Prepositions

Simple prepositions are single words that express relationships of time, place, direction, manner, or other relationships.

  • “in,” “on,” “at,” “over,” “under,” “with,” “by,” “from,” “to,” “through,” “about,” “for,” “during,” “after,” “before,” “since,” etc.

2. Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions contain two or more words that function together as a single preposition.

  • ‘due to,’ ‘outside of,’ ‘despite,’ ‘amongst,’ ‘amidst,’ ‘around,’ ‘along,’ ‘above,’ ‘across,’ ‘about,’ ‘beneath,’ ‘beside,’ ‘beyond,’ ‘between,’ ‘outside,’ ‘within,’ ‘below,’ ‘without,’ etc.

3. Phrasal Prepositions

Phrasal prepositions are groups of words functioning as a single preposition. They often consist of adverbs, verbs, or other words.

  • “in addition to,” “in spite of,” “on account of,” “as soon as,” “as opposed to,” “as far as,” “about,” “on top of,” “with the exception of,” “in front of,” “as long as,” etc.

Prepositions of Time

  1. in:
    • Used for specific periods like months, years, or centuries.
      Example: “They will come in December.”
  2. on:
    • Used for specific days and dates.
      Example: “We will meet on Saturday.”
  3. at:
    • Used for specific times.
      Example: “They will arrive at 8:00 p.m.”

Prepositions of Place

  1. in:
    • Used to refer to enclosed spaces.
      Example: “My friends are in the library.”
  2. on:
    • Used for surfaces.
      Example: “There is a photo on the wall.”
  3. at:
    • Used for specific points.
      Example: “The theatre is at the corner.”

Prepositions of Motion and Direction

  1. Across:
    • Movement from one side to the other.
      Example: “The cat ran across the road.”
  2. Around:
    • Movement passes something in a curved route.
      Example: “They walked around the town.”
  3. Away from:
    • Indicating movement starting from a point.
      Example: “The cat ran away from the dog.”
  4. Down:
    • Movement from a higher point to a lower point.
      Example: “He climbed down the ladder.”
  5. From:
    • Indicating the starting point of movement.
      Example: “We flew from Hyderabad to Delhi.”
  6. Into:
    • Movement to an enclosed space.
      Example: “He got into the car.”
  7. Off:
    • Movement away from something.
      Example: “The cup fell off the table.”
  8. On to:
    • Movement to the top surface of something.
      Example: “Move the box onto the counter.”
  9. Out of:
    • Movement from an enclosed space.
      Example: “She went out of the room.”
  10. Over:
    • Movement above and across.
      Example: “We are flying over the mountains.”
  11. Past:
    • Movement from one side to the other.
      Example: “We drove past the school.”
  12. To:
    • Movement toward something.
      Example: “Can you give this to Shiva?”
  13. Through:
    • Movement in one side and out of the other side.
      Example: “The train goes through the tunnel.”
  14. Towards:
    • Movement in the direction of something.
      Example: “She recognized the person coming towards her.”
  15. By:
    • Used to indicate the means of transportation or the agent acting.
      Example: “I go to college on foot.” “The chief minister arrived by helicopter.”

Prepositions of Agency and Instrumentality

  1. By:
    • Used to indicate the agent acting, especially in passive voice.
      Example: “The story was written by Ramika.”
  2. With:
    • Used to refer to tools or instruments used to act.
      Example: “The victim was murdered with a knife.”

Prepositions of Degree and Measurement

  1. By:
    • Used to indicate degree or amount.
      Example: “The bullet missed him by two inches.”
  2. By:
    • Used to describe measurements.
      Example: “The room measures sixteen feet by thirty feet.”

Prepositions of Condition/Result

  1. By:
    • Used to indicate something happening as a result of something else.
      Example: “They met by chance.”


Question: The shoes are ____ the box. (Answer: in)
Question: I will meet you ____ the airport. (Answer: at)
Question: I left your backpack ____ the chair. (Answer: on)

Prepositions and Their Role in Phrases

Prepositions link different parts of a sentence, often indicating relationships such as direction, time, manner, or cause. They are typically followed by a noun or pronoun to form a prepositional phrase, providing more context to a sentence. Here are some common prepositional phrases and their meanings:

1. Afraid of

  • Meaning: Expresses a feeling of fear or concern about something.
  • Example: She is afraid of spiders.
    • Relationship with Prepositions: The preposition “of” connects the feeling of fear with the object causing it (spiders in this case).
  • Sentence: He was afraid of heights.

2. Allot to

  • Meaning: To assign or distribute something, often resources like time, money, or tasks.
  • Example: The budget was allotted to various departments.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “To” is used to indicate the recipient or the entity receiving the allocation.
  • Sentence: Time has been allotted to complete the project.

3. Confine to

  • Meaning: To restrict or limit something to a particular area or subject.
  • Example: The discussion should be confined to the main topic.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “To” specifies the limit or boundary.
  • Sentence: The rules are confined to the terms of the contract.

4. Converted to

  • Meaning: To change something into a different form or state.
  • Example: The old warehouse was converted to a modern office space.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “To” shows the transformation from one form to another.
  • Sentence: The house was converted to a café.

5. Converted into

  • Meaning: To change something into a different form or product.
  • Example: The raw materials were converted into finished products.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “Into” indicates the result or transformation into a different substance or product.
  • Sentence: Wood was converted into paper.

6. Cope with

  • Meaning: To manage or handle a difficult situation or workload.
  • Example: She has to cope with a heavy workload.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “With” links the subject managing something to the thing being managed.
  • Sentence: He struggled to cope with the new responsibilities.

7. Contact with

  • Meaning: To communicate or be in touch with someone or something.
  • Example: Please maintain contact with the project team.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “With” links the subject maintaining connection to the object (the team).
  • Sentence: They kept regular contact with their clients.

8. Devote to

  • Meaning: To dedicate or give time, energy, or resources to something.
  • Example: He decided to devote his time to charity work.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “To” shows the object of devotion.
  • Sentence: She devoted herself to her studies.

9. Defer to

  • Meaning: To yield or submit to someone else’s opinion or decision.
  • Example: The team chose to defer to the expert’s opinion.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “To” indicates submission to the judgment or authority of someone else.
  • Sentence: They deferred to the manager’s advice.

10. Deprived of

  • Meaning: To be lacking something essential due to the absence of it.
  • Example: The child was deprived of basic necessities.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “Of” connects the deprivation to the thing that is missing.
  • Sentence: They are deprived of clean water.

11. Dispose of

  • Meaning: To get rid of something, usually something no longer needed or useful.
  • Example: He decided to dispose of his old furniture.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “Of” links the object being disposed of.
  • Sentence: She disposed of her unwanted belongings.

12. Dispense with

  • Meaning: To get rid of or do without something that is considered unnecessary.
  • Example: We can dispense with unnecessary procedures.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “With” indicates the thing being done without.
  • Sentence: We decided to dispense with the formalities.

13. Deliver to

  • Meaning: To bring or send something to a specified place or person.
  • Example: The package will be delivered to your doorstep.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “To” specifies the recipient of the delivery.
  • Sentence: The letter was delivered to the office.

14. Deal in

  • Meaning: To trade or operate in a particular kind of business.
  • Example: The company deals in high-quality electronics.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “In” connects the business type or field.
  • Sentence: They deal in luxury goods.

15. Decide against

  • Meaning: To choose not to support or accept something.
  • Example: She decided against the proposal.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “Against” shows opposition or disapproval.
  • Sentence: They decided against the new policy.

16. Different from

  • Meaning: To indicate distinction or contrast between two things.
  • Example: Her approach is different from mine.
  • Relationship with Prepositions: “From” shows comparison and contrast between two subjects.
  • Sentence: The two methods are different from each other.

4o mini

You said:

I want to join these phrasal verbs to the preposition notes, so how can I give without making the sense of these phrases in connection to phrasal verbs?


ChatGPT said:


To effectively connect these phrasal verbs to the existing preposition notes without blending their meanings or creating confusion, you can follow a structure that separates the definitions of phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases clearly. Here’s how you can organize them:

Phrasal verbs: Verb+Preposition and their usage:

1. Afraid of

  • Meaning: Expresses a feeling of fear or concern about something.
  • Preposition: “Of” connects the fear to the object causing it.
  • Example: She is afraid of spiders.

2. Allot to

  • Meaning: To assign or distribute something, often resources like time, money, or tasks.
  • Preposition: “To” indicates the recipient or entity receiving the allocation.
  • Example: The budget was allotted to various departments.

3. Confine to

  • Meaning: To restrict or limit something to a particular area or subject.
  • Preposition: “To” specifies the limit or boundary.
  • Example: The discussion should be confined to the main topic.

4. Converted to

  • Meaning: To change something into a different form or state.
  • Preposition: “To” shows the transformation from one form to another.
  • Example: The old warehouse was converted to a modern office space.

5. Converted into

  • Meaning: To change something into a different form or product.
  • Preposition: “Into” indicates the result or transformation into something else.
  • Example: The raw materials were converted into finished products.

6. Cope with

  • Meaning: To manage or handle a difficult situation or workload.
  • Preposition: “With” links the subject managing something to the thing being managed.
  • Example: She has to cope with a heavy workload.

7. Contact with

  • Meaning: To communicate or be in touch with someone or something.
  • Preposition: “With” links the subject maintaining a connection to the object.
  • Example: Please maintain contact with the project team.

8. Devote to

  • Meaning: To dedicate or give time, energy, or resources to something.
  • Preposition: “To” shows the object of devotion.
  • Example: He decided to devote his time to charity work.

9. Defer to

  • Meaning: To yield or submit to someone else’s opinion or decision.
  • Preposition: “To” indicates submission to the judgment or authority of someone else.
  • Example: The team chose to defer to the expert’s opinion.

10. Deprived of

  • Meaning: To be lacking something essential due to the absence of it.
  • Preposition: “Of” connects the deprivation to the thing that is missing.
  • Example: The child was deprived of basic necessities.

11. Dispose of

  • Meaning: To get rid of something, usually something no longer needed or useful.
  • Preposition: “Of” links the object being disposed of.
  • Example: He decided to dispose of his old furniture.

12. Dispense with

  • Meaning: To get rid of or do without something that is considered unnecessary.
  • Preposition: “With” indicates the thing being done without.
  • Example: We can dispense with unnecessary procedures.

13. Deliver to

  • Meaning: To bring or send something to a specified place or person.
  • Preposition: “To” specifies the recipient of the delivery.
  • Example: The package will be delivered to your doorstep.

14. Deal in

  • Meaning: To trade or operate in a particular kind of business.
  • Preposition: “In” connects the type of business or trade.
  • Example: The company deals in high-quality electronics.

15. Decide against

  • Meaning: To choose not to support or accept something.
  • Preposition: “Against” shows opposition or disapproval.
  • Example: She decided against the proposal.

16. Different from

  • Meaning: To indicate a distinction or contrast between two things.
  • Preposition: “From” shows a comparison or contrast between two subjects.
  • Example: Her approach is different from mine.

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